Thursday, September 1, 2011

New Blog .

It's my new blog ~ ^^

This blog is going to close. Soon.

Follow my new blog if you like it . :) 

If you don't like it , then fuck off. Haha 

Wednesday, August 31, 2011




二年級 第一個學期 觀察家。
5.16 姐姐結婚。
6.18 碰了煙。
6.21 婆婆去世。
7.02 紋了身。
7.09 被催淚彈洗禮。
第一學期 結束 然後。

其實 算不清什麽時候開始認識了。

因為 2011年未結束 所以 我的21歲未結束
而我知道 我接下來的21 會有更大的變化

PS: 8.09 拔掉了一顆傲嬌牙。

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I'm black and blue.

The world is black and blue. But, music cured me. The musicians save me.

May I kiss this two charming ladies?

I'm loving the chase baby!

My busy life begin. Again. Will be a crazy semester! Good luck.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Dance with me.


痛得不能再痛的事 卻在你認為最美好的時刻 在你面前瘋狂跳舞

多麼囂張的預告著 你所認知的 你所意識的 

你所深切感受的 與你的心緊緊聯繫著的

在手裡僅僅孱弱的抓住了的 在你眼前看起來一切清晰透明的 



所以我說 來和我跳舞吧


看你比較狂 還是我比較野。





我不是很清楚在左邊胸口裡頭跳動的它 要的是什麽

我只知道它每跳一次 就抽痛一次 

這種無法控制的抽搐 確實從來沒好過 

總是很輕易的將我打敗 輕易的將我設好的所有防護牆劃破 


別以為我輸了 我只是贏得不漂亮而已

事實是 我悄悄的治愈了自己而已 

心 真的只可以承受唯一一次被撕碎

其他時候 只是在拼湊 裂 碎 然後拼湊 然後又裂了碎了 又拼湊

反反復複 惡性循環而已。


你也許會忘記那個人的一切 甚至忘記對那個人的感覺


永遠忘不了 失去的感覺。


知道現在我想說什麽嗎? 不相信自己的心 其實是對的! 糟糕嗎?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I'm falling in love.

I'm falling in love recently. Alright, her name is Leisha Hailey. Leisha Hailey! A woman who driving me crazy. She is so fucking hot, gorgeous, amazing and fantastic! Do not forget to mention something important that she is an out lesbian. So brave. 

Here she is. Totally and completely hot. Hot hot hot! Oh My GOD.
I love her eyes. What are you thinking Leisha?

And her smiles. Cool with bass right?

And when she wears glasses. It's cute>< She's very cool to wear sunglasses too!
She is an actress. I know her from the dyke drama(laughs), The L Word. She plays Alice Pieszecki on the show. I need to admit that I fall in love with Alice before I fall in love with Leisha. Alice is not a perfect character but so what? No one is perfect! The fact is, Alice is totally hot and cute for me. Leisha did a good job to play Alice so well. The funniest sex scenes of Alice and Dana do make me laugh to the max. I need to say, I love Dana too although she dump Alice on season 3 and at last she found out Alice is the one she wants to be with together when she's dying. 

Alright alright, I love Erin Daniels who plays Dana Fairbanks more than this character. Oh My God, I can't tell how amazing Erin is. She is the funniest lady I ever see. Funnier than Alice seriously. Erin is an intelligent, beautiful, hot and talented actress. She's also the script writer and executive producer of other drama. I love Erin Daniels! After saw the latest picture of Erin, I think Erin really needs to come back to Leisha.
Sweetest, cutest,  funniest and best couple on the drama.
So fucking cute.
Erin Daniels, married on 2009 and gave birth to a son on the same year. She is extremely beautiful.

Nice smile of Erin and cute Leisha behind her. The show won an award base on Dana's breast cancer storyline.
Alright back to Leisha. She is also a musician. Before 2007, she involved in two band, The Murmurs and Gush. Now she is one half of her duet band, Uh Huh Her. I love Uh Huh Her's music. I really do. 

The other member of Uh Huh Her is Camila Grey. Cam is also a fantastic woman(musician by the way) and I love her voice. Uh Huh Her plays electropop music and sometimes add in elements of rock and roll. I think there are some kind of psychedelic too. They said their music are kind of indie and can't categorized. I think so 'cause Uh Huh Her's music really special. If you're tired of the pop music in Taiwan and Hong Kong, you can try listen to Uh Huh Her. It will totally catches your ears.

Not A Love Song - Uh Huh Her. The first song I hear from Uh Huh Her. Nice MV and I love this song! PS: Unicorn defines lesbian. Oh My God Leisha. And Cam please pleeease come out of the closet!

Explode - Uh Huh Her. I can't really understand this MV but I love this song so much. Sexy,catchy and a little bit sad. Taken by The L Word on season 5, episode 3 to become one of the soundtrack too.

Leisha Hailey and Camila Grey. Great chemistry between 'em.

Uh Huh Her. Really a NICE band name. Uh huh:)
Sexy to the max. Why don't you two just together? 
There are many others nice songs of Uh Huh Her. My favorite song of Uh Huh Her is Dance with me. Others like Dreamer(Highly recommended for PLU), Common Reaction, Covered(Mine and Leisha's second favorite), Same High, Wait Another Day(Leisha and Cam's favorite), I See Red and bla bla bla. 

The new song of Uh Huh Her, "Never The Same" remembered me the love between Alice and Dana. It's too sad. But some of Leisha's fans said it is a song wrote by Leisha to K.D.Lang(her ex). Well, I would like to define it is a song from Alice to Dana. I love it.

Never The Same - Uh Huh Her. 2011 new song. Sad sad song. Uh Huh Her's style. The sadness is light(from the song) but deep into heart.

Uh Huh Her's new EP - "Black And Blue" is already sell online! Just have a look :) 
And here is one latest picture of Uh Huh Her,

Two crazy woman. Leisha is my “MAN”. You're strong(screams)><
PS: Although I love to see "Leisha-Erin" or "Leisha-Camila",  Leisha has a very stable relationship with Nina Garduno now. I wish Leisha happiness. :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011



裏面的我 全部都是相連的 那麼乾脆的一語擊中

快樂和悲傷 大笑或流淚 寂寞和擁抱 孤獨或相聚

快樂的同時 到處都是悲傷 流淚了以後 可以沒事的大笑

擁抱一個人 心裡更加寂寞 相聚的時候 是與孤單它相處


我驚覺 現在的我 誰都不喜歡。


屬於我的真愛 過去和現在 從未出現

因為到現在我驚覺 我根本還不懂得什麽是愛。


我最近遇到了一群女孩 她們讓我用了大多數人最不屑的角度去看這個世界

是他們不屑 但是這個角度 也與這個現實世界 相連。

只是看你願不願意相信? :) 經歷過了 你就不得不信!

最勇敢追求愛情的 是你們的最不屑


童真之死 信念之死 純潔忠貞的肉身之死

我們 20來歲的人 已經來到信念之死的關頭




所以,你有什麽理由不狂野? :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


第三年 還是無法飛到台灣 去參加妳的生日會

今年很平淡 什麽都沒準備 只是安靜的等待著19號的到來

內心也無比平靜 卻聽著激動的搖滾樂 妳的搖滾。



我就這樣收到心底的最深處 自己珍藏

明年,我真的好希望可以參加 妳的生日會 。


今年妳會給我們什麽驚喜呢? 我心中的猜測有兩個 後來演變成三個

隨便一個 我都會開心到爆的。

繼續吧。繼續飛 :) 但是你知道,我們都捨不得你累。


Wednesday, January 5, 2011


不是所有感情 都可以解釋的 而解釋不到的 不代表那不是愛

喔對 哪一種愛都好 反正無法定義 沒有必要特別的將它歸類

分不清 那就不要分清好了 我只知道那個感覺屬於我

深深的把根駐紮在我心中 發芽 然後疼痛 而我 小心翼翼 守護

一觸碰 就崩解 所以我不碰 我就任由疼痛 任由撒野

繼續埋葬還是會解脫 誰在乎? 只不過迷戀那種疼痛的感覺




你知道嗎? 你口中的無稽之談,是我要的生存價值。
